July 24, 2016
Quick one, here, at least in terms of words. We've done a lot of traveling over the past two weeks, including a 22-hour bus ride to what turned out to be a mostly abortive attempt at a day camp, then a 22-hour bus ride back home, followed two days later by a trip to a nearby lake, Uureg Nuur (Nuur means lake). Had a lot of fun on both adventures, and we're looking forward to seeing friends and family very soon, but in the meantime, here's some pictures.
Taken while we waited for another car to catch up to us on our way to the lake. Looking east. |
Looking west. |
Looking south. |
The storm eventually did catch up to us; this is what it looked like nearer to the lake. |
This was much later in the day, closer to sunset. I tried to get the clouds as much as possible because they looked like something out of a painting, brushstrokes and all. Alas alas alas, we were in a car, and most pictures came out blurry. |
My CP's family's ger. One of them, anyway. |
A mountain near that ger. |
As we left the ger pictured above to see some of my CP's family. DOUBLE RAINBOOOOOOOOW. The end is so damned close we thought it might be worth it to check for a pot of gold. |
Some of my CP's family -- they were really amused that we wanted to take pictures of them shearing sheep. |
Our picnic site near the lake. |
Looking left from our picnic site. Look at how effing blue the water is!
It was crystal clear, unbelievably cold, and slightly salty. |
To the right. Storms threatened most of the time we were there, but we thankfully made it through the day without being rained on. |
Pensive Emily. |
A small portion of Paul's soum |
Sitting by the river in Paul's soum |
That same river the next day, after a looooot of rain. |
Our dog posse in Paul's soum. They followed us everywhere we went. |
Tomato, rudely awoken. |
Tomato complaining loudly at the thing that awakened him. |
Also, the UK left the EU. What the... what? What's going on out there?!
These are all great pictures. So happy you two are able to be out and about after a winter of discontent! Wish I was coming to see you.