Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Oooh! Pretty Pictures!

January 5, 2016

Lot of downtime lately, which is why updates have been less frequent. Only a few minor and (seemingly, only seemingly) unrelated observations, then some PWITTY PICTOWS. 

I accidentally typed 2015 when I started this entry.  

Amy and I go to the gym a few times a week, and have noticed an influx of new people over the past fourish days. Apparently, resolutioners are just as much a thing here as they are in America. 

-18C is -0.4F. From there, each degree drop in C is accompanied by a 1.8 degree drop in F (e.g., -19C is -2.2F, -20C is -4F, and so on). You can also take -40 as your starting point, as it's the same in F and C. It may very well work above freezing, but I'm too lazy to check. 

Mongolians do not care for bluegrass. 

Dungeons and Dragons is hard to play online, but still fun. 

I am not very good at writing poetry, but I still do it. 

Emily has a pie pan now, and is currently (as I write) making a chocolate pie. 

That first breath you take when you go outside in -30C weather kind of hurts and will trigger coughing. 

Wearing glasses in the Mongolian cold is somewhat impractical. Your glasses will both A) freeze over as you walk to wherever you're going because it's too cold to leave your face exposed and the water freezes as soon as it has a place to collect, and B) fog up so badly that you can't see when you get into a building that has the slightest bit of moisture. 

The king wears a king hat and lives in a king house. 

We miss having a cat. 

We miss our friends and family more acutely during the holiday seasons.

I might like advising as much as I like teaching. This is encouraging. 

January is the coldest month in our city. However, the winter has thus far been warmer than average. I blame El Nino which, as my Dad and I discussed, is supposed to last anywhere between 9 months and 2 years. If it lasts two years, maybe we'll make it out of here with two "mild" winters where it doesn't get colder than -35!

A big white dog followed me from just outside my apartment all the way to school one day. It was nice, but I felt bad that I didn't have anything to give him. 

And now, pictures: 

Ice frozen on our window that NEVER MELTS but sure looks cooooool.

The decorations in the main square in Ulaangom.
My school's Shin Jil (New Year's) party. The expression on that guy's face kind of says it all.

Emily's good side.

Emily's other good side.

Emily, Amy, and my foot.

Emily cooking while Amy studies the wall intently.

The mountain view from our apartment. In the winter, we're so often encompassed by clouds of smoke that you usually can't see them. If I didn't know the mountains were there, one could probably convince me I lived in the clouds.

 Emily, Grace, and the back of Amy's head.

 One of the streets near our apartment.

The full size of our bathroom. I'm not kidding. I'm standing with my back against the wall.

 A gnarly bruise that I got I-don't-know-howing during the New Year's party.

 Emily in front of her school.

The interior of Emily's school.

Emily posing in front of the sign just outside the Foreign Language Library.

A picture from training in which the photographed were totally sober.

My favorite Mongolian picture so far. Not only for the dudes, both of whom are awesome, but also because of the colors.

A view from Grace's apartment of our city in the snow.
Look! Yoga! I'm the one doing a flawless downward-facing dog in the background. Emily is the one clad entirely in pink and red.


  1. I'm so glad you are doing yoga! That's a beautiful down dog. It looks Luke you guys are having a good time, at least! Love you brother :)

  2. Well, Luke is supposed to be like.

  3. Nice pics. You know, I ran into some PCVs out Ukraine and Georgia. I didn't have much time to chat with the ones in Ukraine, but one of the PCVs in Georgia left a lasting impression on me. Gathering that he had been there (in a sort of village near a larger city) for a while, I asked him how much time he had left. He gave me the count of months, weeks, days and hours. After I asked him whether he would go for a third year, he responded with a firm "Hell no!" Maybe this might not be relevant at all to the experience you two are having out there, but I just thought I would share that perspective with you. Two years can pass in the blink of an eye. Remember your wealth of opportunity and purpose.

    Stay warm out there.

  4. Love the photos! and your random thoughts. It makes me feel better to see what surrounds you and the ones of Emily's school. I am so glad you are sharing such a valuable experience together. Life goes by so quickly and before you know it, these experiences will be memories to look back on. Next post, some photos of Eric's school?
    Be kind to one another,
    Love, MOM
